SupportFabrick DashboardHow to recover your password

How to recover your password

Password recovery is done via the SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) procedure. To recover the entry password, you can access the login page and click on “Forgot your password?“. From this point on, the procedure consists of 4 simple steps:

1. Enter a valid e-mail address

On the next screen, you need to enter the e-mail address associated with the dashboard and click on the "Send e-mail" button to receive an e-mail for the password update.

2. Password reset

Once you have received the e-mail, you can click on the “Reset password” button provided, which allows you to continue with the update procedure. Password reset must be completed within 30 minutes.

3. Association of a new password with the mobile number

After clicking on “Reset password”, “Choose your new password” screen will appear: here you are asked to associate a valid mobile number with the new password. Once you have entered the new password and a valid mobile number, just click on "Update password".

4. OTP code verification and password recovery

The system will automatically send an OTP confirmation code to the mobile number provided, and the code is to be inserted in the "One Time Password" verification screen. Enter the 5-digit code, and click on the “Confirm“ button to receive an e-mail that will allow you to choose a new password.