Complaints And Dispute Settlement Systems

Your satisfaction is a daily goal for Fabrick and the handling of a complaint represents a moment of listening and attention that allows us to meet your needs and promptly identify any reasons of discomfort. We pay close attention to all your requests in order to provide you with clear answers and solve your problem.

How to file a complaint

You can file a complaint with Fabrick S.p.A. via the following communication channels:



Certified e-mail

Postal address

Fabrick S.p.A. – Ufficio Reclami (Complaints Department), Via Corradino Sella 10, 13900 Biella (BI), Italy

Response time

Fabrick S.p.A. in order to uphold a complaints management process compliant with regulatory requirements, is committed to guarantee:

  • Maximum response time of no more than 15 working days from receipt of complaints regarding products and services involving the provision of "payment services" for which the Company has received specific authorisation from the Supervisory Authority. If, in exceptional situations and for reasons beyond its control, the Company is unable to meet this deadline, it is obliged to send the customer an interlocutory response, clearly stating the reasons for the delay and specifying the deadline by which the customer will receive a definitive response: the deadline for receiving the definitive response cannot, in any case, exceed 35 working days from receipt of the complaint;
  • Maximum response time of no more than 60 days from receipt of complaints concerning other products and services offered to customers.
  • Maximum response time of no more than 30 days from receipt of complaints concerning defects in computer systems in terms of accessibility.

Complaints form


Other modalities - disputes and mediation

In case you are not satisfied with the answers provided or have not received an answer, we remind you that according to current legislation you have the possibility to contact:

Banking and Financial Ombudsman (Arbitrato Bancario Finanziario, ABF)
The Banking and Financial Ombudsman is an out-of-court alternative dispute resolution (ADR) scheme for disputes between customers and banks and other financial intermediaries, concerning banking and financial transactions and services.It represents a more simple, rapid and cheaper solution than that offered by the civil courts.The ABF carries out its tasks and decides disputes as an independent and impartial body, assisted in its work by the Bank of Italy.For more information, you can:

Banking Ombudsman (even without prior compliant)
The Banking Ombudsman (Conciliatore BancarioFinanziario) is an association that offers various ways to address and solve issues between banking and financial intermediaries and their customers.You can contact this body, for example, in the event that you choose to rely on an independent third party, called a “mediator” (which will be chosen by the Banking Ombudsman itself), which will have the task of facilitating the parties’ attempt to reach a spontaneous agreement.For more information, you can:

Mode of sending reports to the Agency for Digital Italy (AGID) in terms of accessibility:
In case of unsatisfactory response or no response within thirty days from notification or request, the concerned party can submit a report using the following link:

Please be mindful that it is mandatory, before taking any legal action, to try to reach a spontaneous agreement. For example, the aforementioned ABF and the Banking Ombudsman or any other organization recognized by the Italian Ministry of Justice can be used to perform this mandatory attempt at reconciliation.

For the resolution of cross-border disputes, it is possible to directly activate the designated foreign system by means of the FIN-NET procedure (by accessing the website:

Report on complaints management activity

The report is prepared annually in compliance with the Bank of Italy Regulation from 29/07/2009 on the subject of "Transparency of banking and financial operations and services - Correct conduct between intermediaries and customers" and subsequent additions.

Report on complaints management activity for the year 2023 for Fabrick S.p.A.

During 2023 Fabrick received a total of 5 complaints from customers, 3 of which were deemed unfounded.
In 2023, the average response time for complaints was less than the maximum time required by the relevant regulations, averaging 16 hours for sending the final response.

Report on complaints management activity for the year 2023 for Axerve S.p.A. (Incorporated into Fabrick on April 1st, 2024.)

During 2023 Axerve received a total of 22 written complaints from customers, 10 of which were SUBSTANTIATED/ACCEPTED, 5 were PARTIALLY SUBSTANTIATED/ACCEPTED PARTIALLY and 7 were NOT SUBSTANTIATED/NOT ACCEPTED.
Response times were short with an average of about 2.8 days.
The cluster is identified under the category "other collection and payment services" and the main reasons concern the following areas:

  • Transaction execution
  • Organisational aspects/delays
  • Application of conditions
  • Customer communications/information
  • Device malfunctions such as POS

No complaints were registered concerning products and services involving the provision of "payment services" for which the Company has received authorisation from the Supervisory Authority.