SupportFabrick DashboardView payment details

View payment details

For each payment you can view a series of detailed information. To access the dedicated section, simply:

  • Click on the 3 dots to the right of the payment
  • Select "View more"

In addition to the ability to view the amount, the payment status and a drop-down menu with possible actions to manage it (e.g. capture, refund, etc.), the following sections can be viewed at the top left of the page.

This section is customizable and can contain up to 4 highlights on payment data from the list of all available highlights. For example: the date of the payment request, the payment method (eg credit card, digital wallet, etc.), the Circuit (eg Visa, Mastercard, etc.) and the Channel.

In this payment breakdown page the following sections contain the information below:

    This box contains the amounts associated with the various payment statuses and the currency.
  • FEES
    This table shows the fees charged by Fabrick and any intermediaries.
    This section allows you to view the general information seen in the image.
  • 3DS
    This box contains the data on the authentication type, the version of the 3D protocol and other attributes of the authentication protocols.
    This table shows the identification data of the payment. The image shows all the available data to view.
  • CARD
    If the payment was made with a card, this table will show all the data regarding the card, and where necessary only partial data (e.g. in the case of the card number).
    The section shows: Sign, Shop Website and address (if there is).
Payment events

To the right of the tables listed above and under the HIGHLIGHTS section there is a list of the various payment statuses in chronological order, which is called EVENTS.