SupportFabrick DashboardSmart routing rules (2/2): Routes

Smart routing rules (2/2): Routes

A smart routing rule is the path that defines how each transaction of a Shop Login is to be elaborated by associating a set of attributes with a certain processing route.  

Within the Dashboard, these elements are referred to as Conditions and Routes.  

  • Condition: set of attributes that a transaction must match in order to be processed according to the rule.  
  • Route: processing path associated with a set of attributes. It represents the route that a transaction meeting specific conditions must follow in order to be processed. 

In this FAQ we will have a look at Routes. Click here for more information about Conditions.    


When creating a rule, the first step consists in configuring Conditions that will filter transactions according to one or more specific attributes. Then, it is possible to set the processing path for these payments: the Route.

Routes are set up via boxes linked to the previously configured Conditions:

and allow to choose which acquirer will process the transactions and in which mode:

  • Single Route
    The Single Route allows to select one acquirer that will process all payments meeting the rule’s Conditions.
  • A/B Test Route
    The A/B test Route allows selecting several acquirers, each one processing a volume of transactions indicated by a percentage specified by the user. This means that each transaction passing under this route will be processed by one of the chosen acquirers, randomly picked according to the set percentages. This mode can be useful for testing the effectiveness of the acquirers in processing payments with the same attributes.  

Managing Failed Payments: the Retry Box 

Thought the Routes, it is also possible to automatically handle failed payments.  

This ca be done by connecting a Retry box to a Route: this box allows to configure a backup management of payments that would not be processed correctly by the main Route and would therefore result in failed payments. Retry boxes operate as the Routes, providing both a single and A/B test mode